Corvus Belli please stop adding free Units to your Tournament System

Dear Corvus Belli Team,
let me start by emphasizing that we love your game. We always support you, we participate at tournaments, we bring new people into your game by telling them about the glorious moments and all the fun we experience while playing Infinity. Whenever we see that sparkle in their eyes we know we got you a new customer…and another fellow player to have a good time with. We are your community, your fanboys. That‘s why we write these lines to you. Please don‘t spoil your game!
We feel that adding units for free (bike recon, total reaction turrets, and the recent Tag Raid concept for N4) will have a detrimental effect on those people in the community that always had your back: the tournament Players

The Tournament players from Infinity the Game    Verfasser der Petition kontaktieren

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