Urlaub in Dänemark? Holiday in Denmark?
Magnus Petersson |
/ #505 shame on animal rights activists2013-02-10 00:06This is a hate group. A hate group towards a whole country. Most people in Denmark are against this law, I understand some German and I can see the hate in your comments. You speak of "the Danes" ("die Dänen") as if they all are "dog killers". What you dont realize is that Danish people loves dogs just as much as you do, and they want these laws to stop just as much as you do. You say that you will not visit Denmark for this, but I wonder if you also will not visit the USA, England (Great Britain) and Canada, cause those countries has the exact same dog laws as Denmark, but I have not seen any extensive "boycott-campaigns" against these countries. This proves you are hypocrites. I am strongly against these laws, but this is not the right way to be against it, this is a very hateful way, and I can see the hatred in your comments towards Denmark, Danish people and everything Danish. This is discrimination towards a whole nation for just a stupid law. Shame on you. I live in Sweden, only 2 hours from Denmark, and I will continue visiting Denmark like I always have done, cause I love this country and its even better than Sweden. Kind Regards Magnus Petersson Sweden I will always defend the nations of Scandinavia, no matter what happens, no matter which laws we get, I am a warrior towards people (like you) who are against any Scandinavian country, the Scandinavian countries are Sweden, Norway and Denmark, I love and visit them all, and I will always do so no matter what happens. Together we can stop these laws and still love and visit the countries. Swedish national anthem: "Thou ancient, thou free, thou mountainous Scandinavia Thou quiet, thou joyful and fair! I greet thee, most beautiful land upon earth, Thy sun, Thy sky, Thy meadows green Thou art enthroned upon memories of great olden days, When honored thy name flew across the earth, I know that thou art and wilt remain what thou wast, Yes, I want to live I want to die in Scandinavia I forever want to serve thee, my beloved country, Loyalty until death I want to swear thee, Thy right I will protect with mind and with hand, thy banner, the heroes carry high. With God I shall fight for home and for hearth, for Sweden, the beloved native soil. I trade thee not, for anything in a world No, I want to live, I want to die in Scandinavia." |
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