Urlaub in Dänemark? Holiday in Denmark?

Magnus Petersson, Sweden

/ #684 stop the hate

2013-02-17 23:22

Question to all angry Germans here. Are you also avoiding everything that has something to do with England and the USA? Do you refuse to visit England and the USA? Never driven an American car? Never eaten at McDonalds? Cause those countries (all of England, and very many parts of the USA) has the same kind of laws where all dogs of a certain breeds has to be killed by the police. The city of Denver, USA has killed more banned dogs than Denmark has ever done. So why is all the German hate centered around Denmark? Cause its in Europe and that its your neighbor country? These laws are wrong, very wrong, but so is all the tourism related hate, and i dont see this type of tourism related hate towards other similar countries like England and the USA