Das ungarische Netzwerk der Universitätsdozenten protestiert gegen die geplante Abschaffung des MA-Studienganges für Gender-Studien in Ungarn
Marabout médium pour le retour affectif de l'être aiméTel/whatsapp: +229 99 02 87 52
Je suis le grand maître marabout de retour affectif rapide et retour affectif entre lesbiennes et pour les femmes stériles
Pour le retour immédiat de l’être aimer. Prenez contact avec moi pour tout votre besoin
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Votre copain (e) vient de vous quitter ??
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Vous cherchez un bon boulot..
J’ai fait 20 ans d’expérience
Réussir la ou les autres ont échouées et 100% de résultats sans fin a tout vos souci
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Tel/whatsapp: +229 99 02 87 52
tel: +229 99 02 87 52
(bohicon, 2018-09-10)
I obtain a masterdegree in philosophy with a focus on feminism. A 21st century university can't decline gender studies if it wants to be internationally recognized.(Vienna, 2018-09-10)
a szak megszüntetése a társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek megismerését gyengíti. pedig az egyenlő esélyeket és emberséges bánásmódot biztosító társadalom teszi elégedetté és boldoggá embereket.(Budapest, 2018-09-10)
I'am signing the Petition because gender studies is an important contribution to understand our world, our socities and human relations better and to find appropriate solutions for a good life for everybody - and not only the powerful few.(Bonn, 2018-09-10)
Aláírom, mert buzi zsidó vagyok.(New York, 2018-09-10)
Buzi zsidó vagyok(Faszfalva, 2018-09-10)
I’m signing this because we need gender studies.(Brussels, 2018-09-12)
Bonjour Monsieur et MadameVous avez des soucis financiers et cela vous empêchent de faire face à vos projets. De plus vous avez perdu tout espoir d'avoir un prêt entre particuliers. Vous avez maintenant la solution, je suis en mesure de vous faire un prêt tout en prenant compte de vos exigences. Faite votre demande et ensemble on arrivera à une fin meilleure .
j'octroie entre 2000 et 900.000€ a un taux d'intérêt abordable de 2%
EMAIL : rogerpoisson06**********
tel: 07 56 80 08 85
whatsapp: +336 14 28 11 45
(Hauts-de-France, France, 2018-09-12)
Gender Studies are or should be part of every international university degree programme.(Lully, 2018-09-12)
Je signe parce-que je veux être acteur pornographiques(Bunia Kinshasa, 2018-09-12)
... the field of gender studies is a scientific disciplin for many years that offers research in different scientific fields.(Lippstadt, 2018-09-13)
Many reasons. First, Abolishing gender studies - the academic exploration of one of the most important structural constituents of both present and past societies - is equivalent to abolishing economics or history. Ignoring reality has never been a good policy, and academic freedom is important for everyone in society.(Zurich, 2018-09-13)
Gender studies are important for a divers Society and the empowerment of minorities and fight discrimination(Cologne, 2018-09-13)
This is an attack not only on the academic freedom of the university but also on a necessary humanist--because of its inclussive, mind-opening sensitivity to difference and diversity-- approach across and within disciplines. Gender studies is perhaps the discipline that encompasses and broadens all others: it asks the relevant questions about how to change our relationship to power, nature, those we do not know and fear, and, fundamentally, to how we build knowledge. A European university cannot simply do away with Gender studies if wants to construct knowledge differently--horizontally--for the sake of better humanity.(barcelona, 2018-09-14)
We need to look after gender equality and to suport gender studies.(Barcelona, 2018-09-14)
If we know about the past, we can imagine the future... Our patience is now wearing thin! To all those in power, please! remember your responsibilities: open mind and good faith. If not, instead of benevolent education, perhaps the time has come for the women's revolution!(Barcelona, 2018-09-14)
I am signing because I want to support academic freedom in Hungary.(Augsburg, 2018-09-14)
As a professor of Urban Planning whose work focuses on gender and women's issues in U.S. cities, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to study, understand and challenge gender inequalities around the world. As my work with collaborators in Canada and Europe continues to show, gender issues remain not only relevant, but central to understanding our built and social environment.(Chicago, 2018-09-17)
The government shouldn't have an input in what courses universities offer, and this is a direct attack on gender fluidity and the freedom of identity.(Nottingham, 2018-09-18)
I am signing because I firmly believe that Gender Studies is a crucial part of university-level humanities education and research that no country should be without.(Utrecht, 2018-09-18)
Gender studies is core part of the humanities - and thus a core part of understanding ourselves. To lose it is to cut students off from a core of knowledge.(Leiden, 2018-09-19)