For democracy in Ukraine! (in German, Ukrainian, English, French)
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Diese Diskussionsthemen wurden automatisch hergestellt fuer PetitionFor democracy in Ukraine! (in German, Ukrainian, English, French).
Gast |
#302014-01-11 14:53There is no more democracy on Ukraine. Authorities took a group of criminal activity in Ukraine.The courts execute the Yanukovych. Groups of criminal activity plaguing ordinary people who want to live and work in peace in a democratic country. It should lock in a criminal measures against criminal cases conducted by a new choice in democratic and fair elections authorities. |
Gast |
#352014-01-12 09:53Wenn uns Freiheit und Demokratie wirklich ernst ist! Erinnert Euch an 1933, 1936, 1938 und 1939! |
Gast |
#362014-01-12 10:02When Freedom and Democracy are not just words! Remember 1933,1936 (Berlin Olympics), 1938 (Austria) and 1939 (Invasion Poland by Nazi Gerrmany and Soviet Russia)!!! There are strikong similarities to the present situation in Ukraine. The present day villain is Putin. And Yanukovitch his local complice in Ukraine. |
Guest from Holland |
#37 Support the brave Ukrainians2014-01-12 10:45Support the brave Ukrainians who rally in a peaceful way for a normal life in dignity in a free, democratic country!! |
Gast |
#392014-01-12 11:47Дякую українцям всього світу на потужну підтримку! Вона насправді неоціненна!! |
Gast |
#412014-01-12 12:08Because it is enough now. the Ukrainian people have suffered enough, They deserve FREEDOM |
Agneta |
#42 Freedom2014-01-12 12:09Because it is enough now. Ukrainian people deserve FREEDOM . They have suffered enough |
Gast |
#452014-01-13 14:46Ukrainian nation already has a lot of victims of the dictatorship of Yanukovych. Regardless of this, we are fighting to win democracy and freedom. |
Gast |
#472014-01-13 14:57EUROPE help us to overthrow the regim of yanukovych, and we will show you that we are a perfect nation . |
Gast |
#492014-01-13 16:34Schreiben Sie einen Kommentar... danke euch allen nicht gleichgültig. |
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