Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation


/ #358

2013-03-04 13:19

Our slaughterhouses are barbaric places and that is why they are kept hidden as far as possible from the the public view. It is essential that CCTV is installed in all such places and that the public are forced to know what happens to these animals - then they can really understand what is meant by the term "humane slaughter"!! Sadly many people do not want to know how cruel farm animals and horses are treated - they pefer to stay in 'blissful ignorance' so that they can carry on eating meat and laugh and joke about horsemeat in beef burgers! Their wilful ignorance is absolutely sickening. It's about time the EU started to implement strict controls on animal welfare standards instead of holding pathetically expensive EU Meetings in luxury hotels with Foie Gras on the Menu!