Prostestbrief an EU-Präsident Martin Schulz wg Hundemord Rumänien
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/ #2102013-09-14 01:33To see these photos day in and day out and the cruelty these animals must endure, is sickening. How can any human race, exhibited such sadistic behavior. We must stop this at once. Also there should be a mandate for pet owner's to spay/neuter their pets to cut down on overpopulation. What is wrong with our world, that we decide we have the right to abuse and torture innocent animals. I despise you, who are guilty. I am doing anything and everything to curb the overpopulation of pets. By spaying them and making sure none of them reproduce. Even if they aren't mine, I pay to have it done for the sake of the animals. I have seen too much suffering. Thank you for the opportunity to sign this petition. In the USA, millions of pets are euthanized each year. Due to the irresponsibility of pet owners. Many surrender them to high kill facilities. It is truly very sad. |
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