Protestbrief an rumänischen Präsidenten und Verfassungsgericht
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/ #19902013-09-23 18:45NEUER Rumänien-Protestbrief: Wie bereits berichtet, wird das rumänische Verfassungsgericht übermorgen (25.09.) über das Euthanasiegesetz entscheiden. Am Mittwoch wird dann also über den am 10.9. verabschiedeten Gesetzesentwurf abgestimmt, wonach eingefangene Straßenhunde nach einer 14-Tage-Frist getötet werden dürfen, sofern sie zwischenzeitlich nicht vermittelt/adoptiert wurden. In diesem Rahmen droht 2,5 MIO Hunden der brutale Tod. Was können wir dagegen tun??? Wie können wir den Hunden helfen??? Indem wir - neben den bekannten Petitionen und Protesten - den folgenden Brief bis zum 25.9. direkt an das rumänische Verfassunggericht FAXEN !!! Und so den Druck auf das Verfassungsgericht erhöhen... Hier sind die relevanten Nummern: Constitutional Court: + 40 21 312.43.59; +40-21.312.34.84; 00 4 021 414.21.39 Senate: + 40-21.312.55.56 Chamber of Deputies: +40 21 3120828, + 40 21 3146934 Government: + 40 21 3139846 The Romanian People's Advocate (Ombudsman) +40-21/312.49.21 Und nun noch der Brief der rumänischen Tierschützerin Dr. Carmen Arsene: Subject: Stop mass killing of dogs in Romania! Honorable Members of the Constitutional Court, Distinguished Officials, Madams and Sirs, Please know that mass killing of dogs is the worst decision possible: it is irrational, expensive, rejected by the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizing that dog slaughter has no result on the dog population in the street. It is an as well known fact that killing stray dogs only pursues certain financial interests, as it is become notorious that tens of millions of EURO have been used formally, on paper, for stray dog management however in fact such amounts were used for other interests. MASS SPAYING AND NEUTERING is the only LONG TERM solution for the decrease of the stray dogs phenomenon, as it aims to the source of the problem. Mass killing is simply not the answer and is totally unacceptable in the civilized world of today. We kindly expect from the Constitutional Court to prove it is correct and righteous and thus confirm by its current Decision the legal constitutional precedent given by the Decision 1/2012. It is shameful that cruel mass slaughters of dogs can still happen in a member state of the European Union of the 21st century. The world is looking forward to hear you have reached the only correct and humane decision regarding the welfare of these animals, according with European and ethical norms, with the requests of the entire world, with the appeals from 6th and 11th September of European Parliament - Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals who considers that this „horrible and useless massacre of dogs” „goes against the values and objectives of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union”. Please, be advised that if the killing of dogs starts, we will show to the entire world the reality of the dog camps, we will notify worldwide about the financial interests behind the business of killing dogs, we will withdraw any support that we have given so far to your country, we will boycott Romanian products and tourism, as no one will want to associate with a corrupt, cruel and immoral country. Thank you, country...... Bitte kopieren, unterschreiben und dann faxen!!!! Herzlichen Dank für Ihre/Eure Unterstützung und das Teilen dieser Aktion!! |
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