Dylan und Tascha - Gegen die Zwangsbeschlagnahmung von Tascha !


/ #2338

2013-11-25 18:07

Obviously, Tascha the dog is a LOVED member of a family and has a boy that very much needs her. I do understand that there was an altercation with injury between Tascha and the neighbor dog, and that the neighbor dog suffered because of that. While THAT should NOT have happened, the Gerzmehle family has been responsible and has taken care of the neighbor dog ...and certainly are taking actions to make sure such a thing will NEVER happen again. However, instead of working WITH the family for the safety of ALL, Schonwalde authorities are interested ONLY in removing Tascha from her home. That is unconscionable ~ there is SO much that should be done before taking the very FINAL step of removing this family's dog from their home!
"Zero Tolerance" should NOT apply here. There needs to be another step in enforcement BEFORE any dog is removed from a home, and especially so for a dog who has passed so many behavioral tests and has the credentials Tascha has earned! What ever happened to requirements that would ensure the safety of Tascha, as well as any animal or person who might come across her path? What happened to enforcing rules as a condition of Tascha staying in her family's home? BASIC rules such as:
-- ALWAYS under leash control
-- REQUIREMENT to wear a muzzle when outside of her home
-- REQUIREMENT of a securely fenced area for Tascha outside the back door of her home
There are quite a number of things the family can do to ensure that Tascha is not a threat. Why NOT do these things FIRST, before taking her away from the family and child she loves and serves?
BSL is overkill, emphasis on the KILL... it does NOT serve justice, and it does NOT serve the communities upon which it is imposed. Just as communities do not enforce laws based on the "look", nationality nor conformities of an individual, neither should those tasked with animal control utilize such guides in order to impose such injustice upon canines within their communities.
Impose and enforce CONDITIONS to guarantee SAFETY, NOT a misguided law to exterminate a breed!