Dylan und Tascha - Gegen die Zwangsbeschlagnahmung von Tascha !


/ #2546

2013-11-26 03:24

I am a trained Recreation Therapist in Canada. If this Pit Bull has positive effects on this young mans health it is morally wrong to remove this dog from him. This dog should be viewed as a therapy dog. I have two dogs, each one has fought with another dog and bit. These things happen, like humans, we all act out in ways that are not our normal selves. Forgiveness we show to humans is what is needed to be shown to this dog. Pitties are very caring and very good companions. My dogs are not Pittie, I have a Multi Poo and an American Eskimo. Change you decision, give the dog Therapy Dog status, and allow the boy moments of peace, and contentment. It is the right thing to do.