Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation
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/ #14142013-11-29 22:56Praise Author for Exposing Slaughterhouse Atrocities A doctoral student at Yale University, Timothy Pachirat, posed as a slaughterhouse worker to gain insights about the industry for his dissertation research. An animal rights activist, he was initially hired to hang cow livers on hooks and later promoted to the “kill floor” and “quality control.” He wrote and published a book, Every Twelve Seconds: Industrial Slaughter and the Politics of Sight to share his first-person narrative and analysis of the industrial abattoir in rural Kansas. In his book, Pachirat focuses on the sensory aspects of sound and smell that accompanied the horrific sights he saw. It was his goal to expose the public to the sensual experience of massive, routinized cattle killings to bring an end to this inhumane treatment. The author emphasizes that these animals were individuals with personalities, and that slaughterhouse managers condition, desensitize, and compartmentalize their workers to overlook these qualities. Of over 800 workers on the slaughterhouse’s kill floor, only four were directly involved in the killing of cattle, allowing the majority of the workers to avoid responsibility and emotion. Sign the below petition to thank Pachirat for putting himself in an unspeakable position to enlighten the public and expose the psychology behind American slaughterhouses. More exposure will result in more public outrage, and hopefully an end to atrocious slaughterhouse practices. |
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