Dylan und Tascha - Gegen die Zwangsbeschlagnahmung von Tascha !

Quoted post



2013-11-25 16:23

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is known as "the nanny dog" because of their love and affinity towards children.

It is grossly unfair to threat to seize this dog because of an altercation with another dog. This is breed discrimination at it's worst. Had the altercation been with any other breed of dog, then the threat of seizing would not even be considered.

It would be a travesty to take this loving dog away from her sick young owner.

The authorities should see beyond the breed.



#2272 Re:

2013-11-25 16:23:55

#2269: -

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is known as "the nanny dog" because of their love and affinity towards children.

It is grossly unfair to threat to seize this dog because of an altercation with another dog. This is breed discrimination at it's worst. Had the altercation been with any other breed of dog, then the threat of seizing would not even be considered.

It would be a travesty to take this loving dog away from her sick young owner.

The authorities should see beyond the breed.