Das ungarische Netzwerk der Universitätsdozenten protestiert gegen die geplante Abschaffung des MA-Studienganges für Gender-Studien in Ungarn



Gender Studies is an essential component of any university education, and this master's degree in Gender Studies is crucial to training young scholars, who will work in Europe and throughout the world.

(s, 2018-08-19)


Gender Studies at CEU is an internationally well-respected program, and its loss would be tragic.

(Santa Barbara, 2018-08-19)


As coordinator of a gender studies centre in Portugal I am very much concerned with what is happening with our colleagues in Hungary. The banning of Gender Studies is an attack on gender equality principles sustained by international conventions and agreements in democratic nations.

(Lisboa, 2018-08-19)


Because I believe in the freedom to research and teach on any subjrct save those that inflict harm. Gender Studies does not inflict harm.

(London, 2018-08-19)


I am signing because I am very scared of the way the far right in Europe and globally is targeting women and gender studies as part of their wider fascist policies and attitudes.

(London, 2018-08-19)


This is a disgrace and an infringement of academic freedom. Gender studies is fundamental to modern life and learning.

(Aberystwyth, 2018-08-19)


I am signing the petition, because I condemn right wing political violence against the academic community. Without freedom to acquire knowledge in every possible subject there is no democracy.

(poznan, 2018-08-19)


As a retired education professional I strenuously object to this infringement on Academic Freedom. As a woman, I am astounded and appalled that such act against greater understanding of all that Gender studies encompasses would be halted. Shame!

(NYC, 2018-08-20)


Gender studies is part of a well-rounded social sciences or humanities education. It is crucial that students understand the history of feminism and women's rights and the ongoing issues that define women's lives and feminist politics today.

(Melbourne, 2018-08-20)


The Government is directly attacking academic freedom and research supporting gender equality and analysis in this move, which I strongly oppose.

(Melbourne, 2018-08-20)


I'm signing because intellectual and academic freedom is essential in democracies to prevent them from becoming authoritarian. And because Gender Studies are a keystone of freeing one's thinking from cultural stereotypes, removing cultural blinders.

(Austin, 2018-08-20)


Gender Studies programs are needed now more than ever. This is a gross breach of the rights of students and academic freedom. Studies of Gender are necessary and a well established field of study.

(ACTON, 2018-08-20)


Gender Equality is a universal value and fundamental right guaranteed by international and European law. The promotion of this value by all states is not an option but an obligation in every field including education.

(Paris, 2018-08-20)


Academic freedom is of immense value to society in general, and the study of gender relations is a crucial component of efforts to achieve social justice everywhere for everyone.

(West Brunswick, 2018-08-20)


Mindenféle jogot, törvényt, szokást sért, indoklás nélküli. Akik el akarják törölni. azt sem tudják, mit takar a szak.

(Pécs, 2018-08-20)


PhD in Gender Studies

(Uppsala, 2018-08-20)


Gender Studies is crucial to any university education and banning it is a direct attack on the idea of democracy

(Johannesburg, 2018-08-20)


I have been teaching social work in 17 years. Knowledge of the impact of gender is absolutely necessary. The concept of gender is one of the decisive keys to understand and act in relation to social problems.

(kolind, 2018-08-20)


it is an outrage to remove important sand critical subjects from education. The study of gender in society is acknowledged world-wide as a valid scientific discipline. Several hundred universities offer courses and grant degrees in this field, which develops and presents research on gender inequalities in society and in the workforce, changing societal gender roles, and cultural stereotypes connected with gender.

(Uppsala, 2018-08-20)



(Dortmund, 2018-08-20)


This is a horrible suggestion and backward move!

(BROMMA, 2018-08-20)


I'm signing because I know from both academic and personal experiences the value of gender studies at third level education. The whole society benefits.

(Cork, 2018-08-20)


Government interference in higher education is a terrible mistake.

(Uppsala, 2018-08-20)


Ich unterschreibe, weil ich für den Erhalt und die Anerkennung von Gender Studies als Wissenschaft mit politischem und emanzipatorischen Charakter kämpfe. Für mich ist es von großer Bedeutung, dass ich in Deutschland Gender Studies studieren kann und Solidarität bekunde für alle Menschen, denen der Zugang zu Fächern erschwert oder verunmöglicht wird, die sich kritisch mit patriarchalen und restriktiven Gesellschaftsstrukturen auseinandersetzen.

(Berlin, 2018-08-20)