Das ungarische Netzwerk der Universitätsdozenten protestiert gegen die geplante Abschaffung des MA-Studienganges für Gender-Studien in Ungarn



It is an attack on Uni’s freedom.

(Bucharest, 2018-08-16)


Gender Studies Programs are now more important than ever !

(Vienna, 2018-08-16)


I am signing because the decision to ban gender studies reveals an alarming ignorance not only of an established field of research which has remarkable Impact on the way societies think about gender issues but also an alarming lack of appreciation of research in the humanities as such.

(Vienna, 2018-08-16)


This is a naked suppression of academic study that the government finds uncomfortable.

(Godalming, 2018-08-16)


I am signing because I don't understand the reasoning behind this abolition. Gender Studies have been the academic discipline for decades all over the world.

(Lodz, 2018-08-16)


Academic freedom is continually challenged here and across the world. It is one of the main routes to a more humane and socially just world.

(Oxford, 2018-08-16)


Gender studies are a vital part of educating and encouraging a vibrant and understanding society.

(Plymouth, 2018-08-16)


Gender Studies is just as impirtant as any other academic program in the field of social sciences and humanities.

(Utrecht, 2018-08-16)


because banning Gender studies is banning freedom of thought



Gender Studies is an internationally recognised area of interdisciplinary study and its targeting by the Hungarian government is clearly ideological.
This is a clear attack on academic freedom: it is aligned with right-wing populist agendas that naturalise male supremacy and are linked to racist, anti-migrant and homophobic ideologies.

Universities must stand together to ensure that learning and progress are not rejected in favour of undemocratic, nationalist agendas like this one.

(London, 2018-08-16)


I sign because knowledge is the only efficient tool against demagogy, populism and politics based on prejudices and misogyny

(Ljubljana, 2018-08-16)


"A társadalmi nemek tanulmányozása világszerte elismert tudományos tevékenység, több száz egyetemen létezik ún. „gender studies” szak, amely többek között a nemek közötti társadalmi és munkaerőpiaci egyenlőtlenségeket, a társadalmilag változó nemi szerepeket, a nemekhez kapcsolódó kulturális sztereotípiákat kutatja. A magyar kormánypolitika, amely a genderkutatás és -oktatás témáját politikai célokra használja fel – lásd például az MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpontja ellen indított legutóbbi támadásokat –, rövidlátó és provinciális eljárásával önmagát teszi nevetségessé a világ közvéleménye előtt. Már külföldi szélsőjobboldali portálok is túlkapásként tudósítanak a döntéstervezetről."

(Budpest, 2018-08-16)


I am opposed to government interference in the range of academic subjects, and against the anti-female and other biases.

(London, 2018-08-16)


Blocking gender studies is senseless and demonstrates lack of respect for academic freedom. Those having trouble with gender analysis, including a better understanding of how to engage men in ending gender-based violence, seem to be misogynists who also disrespect immigrants and people of ethnic minorities. Intersectionality is an important aspect of gender studies. What an utter shame that this is happening in Hungary, a country that is home of many brilliant minds.

(Geneva, 2018-08-16)


Gender studies is today simply more important than ever in understanding why we are seeing rising right-wing populism and continuing chronic precarity, bearing down on so many, and especially women. This explains both the attacks on it, as well the the necessity for expanding it.

(London, 2018-08-16)


Gender is one of the main dimensions of cultural, economic and social inequality in the world. We need more critical gender knowledge, not less!

(Frankfurt, 2018-08-16)


GENDER STUDIES IS A VITAL AREA OF STUDIES today related with a multiplicity of disciplines (literature, language, culture, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, the arts, law, medicine, etc.) and intersecting with a variety of power structures, such as class, race, ethnicity, age, nationality, religion, or disability. No scholarly discussion engaged with the politics of any text/discourse today can ignore the aspect of gender.

(THESSALONIKI, 2018-08-16)


Gender Studies are essential to an adequate understanding of society.

(Frankurt a.M., 2018-08-16)


This is an unacceptable move from this EU member state, which, once again, is casually flouting basic democratic norms and human rights, swiftly evolving into an authoritarian nightmare, with absolutely no meaningful consequences.

(Dublin, 2018-08-16)


I'm signing in the name of academic freedom and in solidarity with generations of Hungarians, academics and others, who have upheld the principles of civil and intellectual liberty and see their country isolating itself from the (real) heritage of Western (and world) civilisation.

(Liverpool, 2018-08-16)


the academic freedom should be protected

(Borský Mikuláš, 2018-08-16)


Ich unterschreibe, weil die Freiheit der Universitätslehre durch den Eingriff der ungarischen Regierung verletzt wurde und Gender Studies ein wichtiges Fachgebiet darstellen.

(Soboth, 2018-08-16)


Felháborítónak tartom az egyetemi autonómia megsértését -- ez a tudomány szabadsága elleni támadás

(Budapest, 2018-08-16)


More than shame.

(Kathmandu, 2018-08-16)


The Hungarian govenment´s attack on gender studies shows that academic freedom is important for democracy.

(Lund, 2018-08-16)


We can't let the right wing governments take back all our rights, we can't let them muten us.
not in Hungari and not in austria or other countries.

(Wien, 2018-08-16)


I don´t want, that the Hungarian government influences the university! The acadamic freedom should not be attacked!

(Innsbruck, 2018-08-16)


This is an outrage.

(Hull, 2018-08-16)


Gender Studies is in important and legitimate subject. To ban it would be an act of oppression and censorship.

(Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018-08-16)