Abschaffung der US-Rating –Agenturen. Close the US-Agancies

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Diese Diskussionsthemen wurden automatisch hergestellt fuer PetitionAbschaffung der US-Rating –Agenturen. Close the US-Agancies.



2014-04-15 01:14

Please join me in trading and collaborations for energy with Arabia and Europe. I represent AGDO Arab German DEvelopment Organization and I am a contactor with Energime Sustainable Technologies and University in development. Contact the president Hassan Al Shareef and meet the CEOs at Energime. Also sign my petition to the White House asking for permission and thanking President Obama for allowing me to lead a trading expenditure and peace mission. Albertine Harris/Causes/Green USA



2014-04-15 08:18

We do not need credit rating spanish_property and no " sham democracy " but honest self-government and sovereignty ---- this must both laws , as well as policy and especially the financial system from the ground up to be transformed --- we need sincerity, honesty , clarity , transparency, responsibility and a return to the universal laws of love and freedom. We need involvement of respect and well-being of nature, for a healthy Mother Earth wants to breathe again.



2014-04-16 17:51

Wie kommt ihr darauf, dass sich Rating Agenturen abschaffen lassen?