Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation
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/ #792 Saturday 15th June 2013 - National demonstration against slaughterhouses all over the world2013-06-05 18:38National demonstration against slaughterhouses On Saturday 15th June 2013 in Florence and in many cities all over the world (just to cite a few: Istanbul, Boston, Montreal, Paris) there will be public demonstrations to mark the occasion of the International Day Against Slaughterhouses. Italy participates in the event by organizing a national march with a maxi video showing films representing daily scenes in slaughterhouses with the aim to raise public awareness about the horrible conditions animals are held in at these facilities. We live in a society where the value of a life is shown on a label with a price. Life has no price; it cannot be valued with a price per kilo! We�re all earthlings, we�re all animals. Discrimination (from Greek �to divide�) creates mental and physical barriers and is responsible for the difficulty in opening our eyes to see the injustices man is inflicting upon other beings as in the past has occurred through racism and sexism. The organizers repudiate the logic of exploitation of every living and sentient being. They maintain that a discriminating �justice� is unacceptable and incoherent and refuse every form of fascism or totalitarianism wherever it comes towards human and non-human animals. They promote action based on information and non-violence. Information is everyone�sright and is the only instrument that promotes conscientious choices. The organizing committee invites participants to respect these principles. Living vegan means living in respect to all sentient beings, developing empathy and it does not force any kind of renunciations. Living vegan means building every day a better world where information, health and well being are affordable for everyone. Those who are able to feel pain must be taken in consideration by the common moral laws. All beings tremble in front of violence, each one loves life and is afraid to die. Those people who accept evil are passively responsible as much as those who directly commit it. Saturday 15the June, we want to see you demonstrating with us in the streets of Florence! FACEBOOK: Serena Ruffilli Presidente L.I.D.A. Firenze Onlus - Lega Italiana dei Diritti dell'Animale Iscritta al Registro Regionale Associazioni Volontariato con Atto Dirigenziale n. 2672 del 12/08/2010 al n. 768 Siamo anche su Facebook: |
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