Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation
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/ #2073 Fortsetzung von #20722014-06-12 10:12►PET.3 ✦ABOUT THE VIDEO: ◕A new undercover investigation by Mercy For Animals Canada at a Quebec veal factory farm reveals baby calves crammed into crates barely larger than their own bodies, punched and kicked by workers, and left to suffer without proper veterinary care. the sickening cruelty footage was captured on hidden camera by an investigator with Mercy For Animals Canada. Workers violently kick, punch, and torment baby calves who are crammed into filthy wooden crates so small they can't even turn around or lie down comfortably for nearly their entire lives.. ✦WHAT THE INVESTIGATION EXPOSED?: ◕Calves crammed into crates so small they couldn't walk or turn around ◕Workers violently kicking, punching, throwing, and tormenting calves ◕Sick and injured animals left to suffer without proper veterinary care ✦Video aussi disponible en français! cliquer ici:► ✦CRATE CRITICS.. -"This video provides clear evidence of deliberate institutionalized animal abuse in Canada's veal industry. Veal calves are shown imprisoned in narrow stalls on slatted floors. Many animals are chained so tightly that they can barely move or can only perform a few short movements, which they do repeatedly.” John Sorenson, PhD -"No animal should be so physically limited in its' movement. The calf can stand or lie in one place only. He can't turn around, lick his back, or stretch out. The chain around his neck ensures that he can't lie down flat (something that calves do naturally). Not surprisingly, stereotypies are common.” Mary Richardson, DVM -"Cows are highly intelligent and sentient, feeling beings, and it's clear that the calves in this video are suffering. Deep fear and pain can be seen in their eyes and in their behavior. Calves are just as sentient as dogs - we would never tolerate such abuse inflicted upon a dog.” Marc Bekoff, PhD ✦✦THE MISERY OF CALVES IN THE FARM INDUSTRIES: The calf is separated since he born from his mother. A calf can suck up to 16 times per day . In intensive farming , this strong need to stimulate more secretion of digestive hormones, is ignored. Its diet is made of a chemical mixture anemic making and causing in her flesh a pale pink color highly prized by gourmets. Chained by the neck in the dark in a narrow enclosure so that it can not take a step, or lick the calf does not even have enough room to lie down comfortably. To keep it alive during the brief months of her ordeal and to slaughterhouses , one must administer excessive doses of antibiotics . Like his father and his mother, the calf suffers chronically from " bovine diarrhea virus " ( BVDV ), but also blindness and respiratory problems. ◕Veal : A very Cruel Meal.. The veal industry is one of the most reprehensible of intensive animal agriculture. The calves are a by- product of the dairy industry; they are "manufactured" by " milk machines " - dairy cows. Females were raised to become dairy cows are confined and stuffed with synthetic hormones to increase growth and production and antibiotics to keep them alive in this unhealthy and unnatural environment in which they are confined . They are artificially inseminated and , after birth, are milked for several years until their production levels drop, then they would be slaughtered . -Males are taken from their mothers shortly after birth. Some are killed after birth , others are raised in pens , a kind of minimum security prison and are sometimes chained . Most are for cages. ◕Confinement: The calf cage restriction device wherein the wood continuously stays calf . It is so small (22 "x 54" ) that the calves can not turn around or even lie down or extend ; this is the ultimate imprisonment in agriculture. ( 1) Designed to prevent movement , the body does its job atrophy of muscles, thus producing tender veal and "gourmet" . ◕Time for Lunch The calves are generally fed milk substitutes poor in iron and other essential nutrients . This scheme keeps the animals anemic and creates the pale pink or white color desired for the finished product . Looking iron calves lick urine -saturated or any metal part of their cabin slats. The farmers also deprive water , and thus , always thirsty , they drink a lot of liquid foods high in fat. -Due to the extremely unhealthy living conditions and their negative supply , calves are susceptible to a long list of diseases including chronic pneumonia or ongoing diarrhea. Consequently, we must inject them massive doses of antibiotics and other drugs only to keep them alive . ( These antibiotics are found in the meat of the consumer). Calves often suffer from injuries caused by constant rubbing against the cage . ◕A Fate worse than death! About 14 weeks after birth , calves are slaughtered . The quality of this "food" unhealthy and processed, filled with chemicals, low in fiber and nutrients , is another matter . The real issue is poverty calves. During their short lives , they never see the sun nor touch the ground nor see and never will taste the grass, their anemic body lacking proper food , their sore and atrophied muscles by deprivation of liberty and exercise they are also deprived of the love and care of their mother. They are kept in the dark , except during meals of two to three times a day for 20 minutes . ◕What You Can Do ? -To stop the abuse , do not buy or do not eat veal and explain to your friends why , to your family and your neighbors . Talk to restaurant managers cruelties inflicted on calves and ask them to exclude it from their menu. Also , do not buy or do not eat dairy products, because the role of the dairy industry in the production of veal . Ask your governments to develop legislation that would ban the use of veal crates ! |
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