Boris Rhein soll zurücktreten - Boris Rhein schould resign

Quoted post



2012-05-22 12:03

Geht das überhaupt, ich meine offiziell, eine Petition zum Rücktritt eines Ministers? naja egal, politisch ist das ja jetzt seeeeerh oportun...


Swen G.

#57 Re:

2012-05-22 15:19:58

#56: -

Hier mal eine halbwegs vernünftige Übersetzung ins Englische:

The present Hessian minister of the interior, Boris Rhein, has supported if not initiated the ban of the Blockupy event from the 16th to the 19th of May 2012. He endorsed the massive police presence during the this event.

The Blockupy organisers have always intended and stated that the protests be peaceful, which has eventually been the case without exception. Mr Rhein has criminalised Blockupy which is not acceptable. The freedom of assembly is a human right stated under the article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 8 of the Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany. Freedom of speech is laid down in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 5 of the Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Boris Rhein should be held responsible and therefore we demand his immediate resignation.