Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation
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/ #808 Glass Walls and Humane Myths2013-06-08 22:04Glass Walls and Humane Myths WE are the glass walls to slaughterhouses, If its good enough for the stomach then its good enough for the eyes. SEE the face and the suffering behind your Food "Choices"...Food in the form of Flesh/meat has a face, he/she wanted to live. YOU take away their life for a self indulgent meal. SEE that fear, you consume it, do you REALLY think eating fear filled flesh is good for you. In slaughterhouses all animals die in fear and many die in agony. On arrival at the slaughterhouse the animals are frightened and confused. They are already in a state of stress due to poor transport conditions. Yet they are treated with no compassion and no regard for their fear. Animals do not go to their death easily or happily so slaughter house workers randomly beat, kick and shout at the animals. They even use electric goads and sticks to beat the animals in the genitals. The Slaughterhouse Act says that all animals should be stunned prior to slaughter, supposedly to render them unconscious and insensitive to pain before having their throats cut and bleeding to death. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd/hphotos-ak-pm1/19528_5540541_1007837608_n.jpg C.A.L.F. in Scarborough |
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